Yii2 Components - Snackbars


Snackbar class is a widget to render flash messages as MDC snackbars.


A basic usage looks like the following:

echo Snackbar::widget();

The above code will render a snackbar for each flash message in the session.

Snackbars will be activated automatically on document ready event.

Customization options

Snackbars can be further customized by changing the available widgets options.

echo Snackbar::widget([
     * @var array Snackbars container Html attributes in terms of $attribute => $value.
     * Note: Snackbars container ID is set to #mdc-snackbars and cannot be changed.
    'options' => [],
     * @var array Snackbar types configuration for flash messages.
     * This array is setup as $type => $cssClass.
    'snackbarTypes' => [
        'error'   => 'snackbar-error',
        'danger'  => 'snackbar-danger',
        'success' => 'snackbar-success',
        'info'    => 'snackbar-info',
        'warning' => 'snackbar-warning',
     * @var float Time in seconds before removing an active snackbar.
     * cannot be less than 4 or more than 10.
    'snackbarTime' => 4.0,
     * @var array|null the action buttons Html attributs in terms of $attribute => $value.
     * if set to null action button will not be rendered.
     * default tag is [[button]] can be changed to [[a]] tag, example: ['tag' => 'a']
     * default label is [[Yii::t('yii', 'Dismiss')]] can be customized, example: ['label' => 'OK']
    'actionButton' => null,

For more information about snackbars. see snackbars.